Clivet presents the new MSAN8-X Mini VRF outdoor units

Thu Apr 06 08:46:41 CST 2023 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 5728

The new series, available in a capacity range from 7,2 kW to 15,5 kW replacing equivalent sizes of the current Mini VRF MSAN-XMi series, represents the first step of the new V8 platform introduction, presenting significant technological improvements and new functionalities. Designed with a single single-fan chassis for all sizes, the new series also offers remarkable benefits throughout the entire lifecycle, from the installation to the maintenance and use.

Main features

  • 1-fan chassis 7.2-15.5 kW, Clivet Family Design
  • Extended operating range down to -20°C in heating mode
  • Improved piping length
  • More indoor units connectable
  • Improved efficiency
  • Multiple silent modes
  • 10 priority modes available
  • Fan external static pressure up to 35 Pa, settable
  • Automatic addressing
  • Eurovent certified series
  • Smart input/output contacts, settable


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Editor: Amanda