New IIR Informatory Note on non-uniform environment

Mon Dec 04 09:13:34 CST 2023 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 25644

The Informatory Note entitled “Promising prospects of non-uniform indoor environment” was prepared by Xianting Li (new President of IIR Section E), Xiaoliang Shao and Chao Liang.

Traditionally, the indoor environmental parameters taken into account when designing and regulating air conditioning are considered to be uniform in a given area, which can result in high energy consumption and poor indoor air quality. However, a non-uniform environment allowing differentiated parameters to be maintained according to occupant needs in various sectors of that zone can be decisive in achieving greater efficiency.

This Informatory Note synthesises current knowledge of technologies for creating demand-oriented non-uniform indoor environments. In particular, it provides information on the advanced air distribution schemes to be implemented, the heating/cooling loads to be taken into account, the ventilation rate required as well as the regulation of this type of environment. The areas of application for these technologies, ranging from workspaces to shopping centres, airports and data centres, are reviewed.

Finally, a series of recommendations is formulated to prioritise the challenges to be met to enable the development of these highly promising technologies in terms of energy savings and air quality.

This Informatory Note can be downloaded from FRIDOC (free for IIR members). A Summary for policymakers outlining the main conclusions and IIR recommendations is also available in open access.

Download in FRIDOC


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Editor: Amanda