90 bar filter drier with replaceable solid core by Castel

Wed Jun 21 08:44:21 CST 2023 Source: www.refindustry.com Collect Reading Volume: 4047

Castel positions itself as a partner in supplying technologically advanced products for use with CO2 (and not only) that make use of approvals and certifications that can guarantee very high safety standards and that can improve system performance developed by companies that have taken up the challenge by moving towards increasingly green, zero-impact systems.

The latest product developed by Castel is the 90 bar filter drier with replaceable solid core.

This standard catalogue product is identified with the part number 4431E (one cartridge) and 4432E (two cartridges) is available with steel connections from 5/8” to 2.1/8”

90 bar filter driers are sized to withstand the pressure increase in the event a machine stops due to breakdowns or maintenance activities.
During these moments, the pressure in the system increases considerably, forcing the technician to carry out maintenance activities quickly, risking not carrying out certain operations in an optimal manner.

If the intervention times were to lengthen, the pressure inside the system continues to increase and the risk that the safety valve intervenes is real.

The intervention of the safety valve creates many inconveniences: need to replace the valve that has discharged, restore the refrigerant dispersed during opening, having to justify to third parties the reasons that led to the opening of the safety valve.

Installing a 90 bar filter instead of the more common 62 bar version has a number of advantages that every designer should consider:

- During the machine shutdown, the pressure can increase drastically
- Safety valve can open
- Technicians must work quickly, “dimensioning the system at 90 bar keeps you safe”

Safety first of all is also guaranteed by the compactness of the filter, which dimensionally is the same as the 62 bar filter. Its dimensions and low weight do not require particular precautions during handling at the time of installation on the system and dedicated brackets or supports are not required as in the case of other much bulkier and heavier filters on the market.

Castel has carried out an in-depth study on the choice of materials and the sizing of the components through the use of CAE technology (Finite Element Analysis software simulator). These studies are necessary to place on the market more and more safe and reliable components.

Considering the pressures involved, the position of the filter in the circuit and the task it must perform, Castel has decided to approve both sizes (one and two cartridges) as risk Category II according to the PED Directive.

The one cartridge model (4431E), considering its volume and pressure rating, would be risk category I, Castel has decided to homologate it in Cat.II to have the following advantages:

- Traceability, all materials are traced by the lot number on the label of each product
- Welding operators and procedures qualified by a Third Party
- Products provided with a Declaration of Conformity

CO2 applications often create a highly corrosive environment by attacking components most susceptible to oxidation.

For this reason, the materials have been chosen to withstand the harshest conditions, for example, the cover tightening bolts are in stainless steel (A4-80).

Other features that distinguish this product are the following:

- Double flange welding
- 100% helium test
- External leakage test at PS
- Hydraulic test: 1.43 x PS
- Burst pressure: 3 x PS (according to UL)
- Cartridges model: 4490/##

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Editor: Amanda