Airedale Launch Range of Heat Pump and Low GWP Chillers

Tue Feb 21 09:32:10 CST 2023 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 2494

New Range of Heat Pump Chillers

Airedale pleased to announce the launch of a new range of lower GWP chillers and heat pumps for the comfort market. Airedale is keen to add to its legacy, with the introduction of several new ranges on scroll and inverter screw compressor platforms, crucially operational with the lower, or low GWP refrigerants R32, R1234ze and R513a.

Airedale has announced two new ranges – SpiraChill and iChill – and has promised more to follow. This first launch incorporates heat pump and cooling-only only options, using scroll and inverter screw technology, and delivers anywhere from 200kW to over 1400kW of cooling and/ or heating, with partial and/or full heat recovery available.

The launch supplements Airedale’s existing chiller and AHU offer, delivering one of the most comprehensive ranges of HVAC solutions in the industry. Available across multiple compressor and refrigerant platforms, and backed up with Airedale’s service and software capabilities, comfort cooling projects across multiple sectors can be catered for. When coupled with Airedale’s unrivalled energy performance programs, Airedale can complete a full, up-front analysis of a site to find the most suitable and sustainable solution for the project, without bias to any particular compressor platform. This service is available free of charge to customers looking to specify an Airedale solution.

SpiraChill Heat Pump and Cooling-Only Chiller Range

SpiraChill is Airedale by Modine’s scroll compressor chiller and heat pump solution and is part of Airedale’s more sustainable range of cooling solutions. With a cooling and heating capacity extending to just over 1200kW, SpiraChill offers partial and full heat recovery on all models. SpiraChill uses the latest in scroll compressor technology, optimised for lower GWP refrigerant R32, to offer excellent efficiency and versatility across a wide range of applications.

Suitable for both comfort and process applications, SpiraChill operates with an in-built sequencer that permits up to 6 units to be added to the master unit, delivering flexibility and scalability. With scroll compressors that operate up to 8 stages, SpiraChill offers excellent part load efficiencies and highly accurate set point control. Optimised for R32, SpiraChill delivers SEER of up to 4.9 (cooling only) and 4.8 (heat pump), making SpiraChill a sensible, sustainable option.

iChill Heat Pump, Cooling Only, and Multi-Function Inverter-Driven Screw Chiller Range

iChill is Airedale’s first inverter-driven screw chiller, for efficient and precise load matching. Optimised for low GWP refrigerant R1234ze (GWP 7) and lower GWP refrigerant R513a (GWP 613), iChill delivers efficiency, versatility and performance. With capacities from 200-1400kW and with high full load and seasonal efficiency, iChill is suitable for comfort and process applications and is available as a cooling only chiller, heat pump, or multi-function offering simultaneous heating and cooling operation.

iChill operates with an in-built sequencer that permits up to 6 units to be added to the master unit, delivering flexibility and scalability. A sustainable solution, iChill delivers SEER of up to 5.42 on our R1234ze range, and an EER of up to 3.16, with an SEER of up to 5.39 on our R513a range, and an EER of up to 3.32.


Find out more on our website about: chiller, HVAC, R32, chillers, heat pump

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Editor: Amanda