Danstar Solar Solutions has a single mission - To make solar energy an affordable, real option for residential, industrial and commercial consumers. We understand your everyday problems like:
a, Batter and inverter not charged?
b, Load - shedding?
c, High electricity bills?
d, Insufficient lighting to work or study?
e, Hot summer nights without a fan?
.................. Do not worry, We have the answer at a price that you can afford.
We offer a sustainable solution for factories, homes, societies, shops, petrol pumps and commercial establishments. We assess your needs and provide you with a complete project based solution for your factory or a home - kit which consists of high efficiency roof - top solar panels, low power- consuming LED bulbs and a range of DC fans, solar battery charges and other economic solutions like compact car refrigerators, solar DC freezers, Solar refrigerators. Our products are designed by our own patent. We offer a rugged yet efficient build and a warranty you can trust.
Compressor Brands Support: JIAXIPERA, HUAYI, WANCOOL