Epta at World Refrigeration Day

Mon Jun 26 08:48:32 CST 2023 Source: www.refindustry.com Collect Reading Volume: 1198


Epta is sponsor of World Refrigeration Day, entitled “Next Generation Cooling: The future is in our hands”, a campaign promoted to draw the attention of the entire sector on the industry of tomorrow, represented by innovative technologies which merge respect for the planet with elevated efficiency.


“The cooling sector is experiencing years of great development, a sustainable evolution geared to overcoming the current environmental challenges and responding to a growing demand for low-impact cooling and heating solutions” comments Marco Nocivelli, President and CEO of Epta “The theme proposed for World Refrigeration Day 2023 is designed to raise the awareness of the public and operators on this transition, on the relevant opportunities and on the new skills required.” And he continues, “Epta, as independent global player and leader specialised in commercial refrigeration, guides this transformation with a full range of cabinets, with natural refrigerant, and multiple training initiatives for refrigeration technicians”.

Epta, as Green Transition Enabler, actively contributes to reducing the carbon footprint in the Retail, Food&Bev and Ho.Re.Ca sector thanks to a range of remote refrigerated cabinets, which operate with CO2 and of plug-ins, with incorporated unit, with R290 propane. A sustainable approach directed at energy performance: a vast selection of furnishings positions itself in class A, B and C in terms of Energy Labelling, increasingly higher standards achieved also through the continuous research of the Epta Innovation Center.


The Group also invests in its resources and in young professionals through theoretical-practical courses organised in association with Universities and Senior High Schools. An example is the partnership with Istituto Salesiano Manfredini of Este (Padova, in northern Italy), which has resulted in a Refrigeration School, dedicated to transmitting the knowledge of the Group to the refrigeration technicians of the future. Or, again, Epta with Treccani Scuola, contributes to steering students of the Ascanio Sobrero Senior High School of Casale Monferrato, in northern Italy) thanks to a PCTO programme which focuses on industry 4.0 and on emerging digital technologies.


Worthy of note is also the “DAAS Academy: the future begins today” resulting from the partnership between DAAS, a company of Epta operating in Romania, the Technological High School ‘Elie Radu’ of Ploiesti and the territorial administrative unit and dedicated to the training of future refrigeration technicians and the new Training Centre in Mannheim, German headquarters of Epta, a centre of excellence designed to provide the specialists of the sector with the tools for professional growth, under the guidance of Group experts.


Marco Nocivelli, President and CEO of Epta concludes “Thanks to the different activities undertaken by Epta, we encourage new generations to learn advanced skills, as the future in terms of continuous development and environmental wellbeing is in their hands.”


Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, R290, propane, CO2

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Editor: Amanda