ACCA and ACA/NE form alliance

Thu Nov 17 08:30:22 CST 2022 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 2053

The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) and The Air Conditioning Association of New England (ACA/NE) are pleased to share that ACA/NE has become the 20th Allied Contracting Organization (ACO) to affiliate with ACCA. With the addition of ACA/NE’s work representing contractors in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut, ACCA’s Allied Contracting Organizations now serve 26 states and the District of Columbia.

Allied Contracting Organizations are independent associations that partner with ACCA on the advancement of the HVACR industry’s technical excellence, business success, and legislative and regulatory goals. While ACCA and ACA/NE memberships remain separate, both organizations will promote the value of investing in a strong representation of the HVACR industry at the local and national levels.

“ACA/NE is pleased to join together with ACCA to represent and promote the interests of the HVACR industry in New England,” said Catherine Flaherty, ACA/NE executive director. “We look forward to working with ACCA on areas of mutual interest, particularly as they relate to legislative and regulatory issues.”

“We are pleased to welcome ACA/NE as our twentieth ACO,” said Barton James, ACCA president and CEO. “We know contractors’ voices are stronger when ACCA national combines our efforts with state and local organizations. We believe this new relationship will help contractors in New England be better represented on all levels.”

“At the end of the day, ACA/NE’s goal is to support the HVACR industry the best we can and joining ACCA’s Allied Contracting Organizations is one additional way we can continue to meet that goal,” said ACA/NE president Doug Hamilton of Central Cooling & Heating in Woburn, MA. “The Association is looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish for New England’s HVACR industry with ACCA’s help.”

“As a native Bostonian, I’m thrilled to see ACCA ally with ACA/NE,” said ACCA Membership Committee Chair Kurt Hudson of L.C. Anderson. “This commitment is just another step in the right direction to ensure all contractors have access to the resources they need to be successful in today’s market."

This agreement will help both organizations better represent and support contractors in New England through a unified voice on legislative and regulatory issues and better cross-promotion and reciprocal discounts on educational programs.

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Editor: Amanda