Mayekawa Europe Receives Natural Refrigerants Label from ATMOsphere

Sat Oct 08 08:41:28 CST 2022 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1766

Mayekawa Europe has received the new ATMO Approved Label by ATMOsphere (formerly Shecco) for our use of natural refrigeration technologies. This label is presented by ATMOsphere to best-in-class manufacturers of natural refrigerant solutions.

The use of natural refrigerant technologies and energy-efficient solutions has been and will remain our top priority at Mayekawa. We strongly believe that natural refrigerants are the future of our industry. The ATMOsphere label is a recognition of our efforts towards a more sustainable world.

In Mayekawa Europe, we have chosen to use ammonia for our new mCHILLER series with low-charge ammonia and high energy efficiency. At the Chillventa 2022 exhibition, we are releasing the mCHILLER TAKA, our new air-cooled ammonia chiller that is tailor-made as the perfect alternative to synthetic refrigerants.

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Editor: Amanda