Manifesto of support from organizations in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector to FP Dual

Tue Nov 30 08:48:56 CST 2021 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 2601

The Association of Cold Companies and their Technologies (AEFYT); the Andalusian Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Manufacturers Association (AFAR); the Association of Manufacturers of Air Conditioning Equipment (AFEC); the Spanish Association of Transport Entrepreneurs under Directed Temperature (ATFRIE); the National Confederation of Installers and Maintainers (CNI); and the National Confederation of Installers and Fluids Associations (CONAIF) have signed a manifesto to promote dual vocational training in the refrigeration sector.

In the same they bet on this as a variant of traditional Vocational Training by combining training in study centers and companies. Its main advantages are the training of qualified personnel, their selection and preparation - which means ensuring generational renewal -, the reduction in unemployment rates among the youngest segment of the population and access to new professionals.

The signatory organizations represent the value chain of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector in Spain, which is made up of manufacturers and distributors of equipment and components, furniture and refrigerant gases, as well as installation and maintenance companies. All of them together bring together more than 25,000 companies and 205,000 employees.

For this reason, they express their intention to collaborate jointly in promoting Dual Vocational Training, according to the Strategic Plan for Vocational Training of the Educational System prepared by the Government of Spain to modernize and bring training closer to companies. The objective is to attract and retain talent to a sector that is in the process of ecological and digital transformation and that has full employment, therefore offering multiple and interesting possibilities for professional development.

Specifically, the signatories undertake to work with all the agents involved in Dual FP (Administration, training centers, companies, students ...) to disseminate, promote and reinforce its importance and the role that this educational model is called upon to play in the immediate future as a key tool to increase the competitiveness of companies, making them protagonists of the training of students, and as an essential means to adapt the teaching of vocational training to the demands and needs of the labor market.

Editor: Amanda