FT Future Technologies S.r.l Invites you to Attend the China International Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Refrigeration and Cold Chain Exhibition (RACC2024)

Thu Apr 11 15:53:49 CST 2024 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 800

Company Profile


FT Future Technologies S.r.l. was founded in 1995, basing on more than twenty years of professional skills of its associates and managers about vacuum technology, filling of refrigerants, brake fluid circuits, industrial automation, data processing and communications.


FT headquarters and new production 500 sqm facility are located in Castel del Piano, in Tuscany close to Siena and Florence.


FT is the ideal partner for the handling of Vacuum and Refrigerant gasses in the Cold Industry. All the equipment is made in-house and our services are conducted from our headquarters.


Our company offers high level of customization thanks to its continuous research and development that leads to improvements of the specific application requested from the customer.


Hundreds of FT equipment are now working 24h per day, 365 days per year all around the world, with high reliability, performances and high quality of production cycle.


FT specialized technicians are always ready to reach every part of the world to support our customers. Our goal is always to improved the production lines of our customers in an efficient way.

Editor: Anne