Last Friday Advansor Moved To It’s New Headquarter

Thu Nov 21 17:24:40 CST 2019 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 17776

It was a great day with happy Advansor colleagues, having brunch, unpacking boxes, and opening champagne bottles. Advansor has raised the level everywhere. The company wants to ensure the best conditions for our employees and a high efficiency – in the most sustainable way possible. Whether within the production halls or the office desk: Sustainability, security and efficiency are shaping the overall picture of the new headquarter.

"We are looking forward to a great atmosphere, satisfied employees and customers as well as a lot of new racks that will be created and delivered from Rosbjergvej in Brabrand throughout all of Europe.", explains the Advansor team. 

The headquarters was finished just 9 months after the initial soil work began. 


Editor: Nina Li