CAREL Remote Humidity Control

Tue Jul 30 17:14:22 CST 2019 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 10384

CAREL offers its customers remote supervisory services that provide added value to its product range. Supervisory services have now also become an integral part of the standard CAREL solution for humidification, facilitating installation, system management and maintenance.

Remote control of HVAC and humidification systems

tERA is the CAREL platform that creates a centralised remote management system for all HVAC applications, and has been recently upgraded for the humidification systems.
tERA services can be used to remotely display and modify the humidifier variables, with consequent benefits in terms of ease of management. tERA ensures fast and simple access to all the information needed to optimise the work of the site’s technical and service team. 
The solution also provides graphs and dashboards relating to overall system performance: valuable tools that help optimise performance and save energy.

Remote alarm management

 tERA services provide alarm notifications in real time: maintenance personnel are promptly alerted by message or email, and can take action to solve the problem via a remote connection. This minimises downtime and ensures end customers better service. 
The benefits are twofold: maintenance technicians save time and money in their work, while end customers can rely on more efficient and prompt service.

Heater humidifiers

heaterSteam titanium is the world’s only humidifier with titanium heaters, and it is also the first in the CAREL range to be covered by the renewed tERA supervisory proposal.  The reliability of titanium, combined with over-temperature protection, makes heaterSteam the natural solution for applications where service continuity is crucial. heaterSteam is moreover equipped with a new touch display designed to improve the user experience in humidifier management. From aesthetics to performance, ease-of-use and consistency with the past, everything on this display is designed to simplify access to the available information.

Editor: Nina Li