Emerson takes CO2 on the road

Tue Dec 25 10:32:18 CST 2018 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 596

Emerson is taking its new mobile CO2 Booster training unit to several locations across the US and Canada in 2019.

The CO2 training unit is designed to give contractors, manufacturers, wholesalers and end users a hands-on experience of working on a CO2 refrigeration system.

Launched in Canada in September, the unit has already visited locations in Quebec and trained more than 50 contractors. In early 2019, the unit will travel to the US and make several stops, starting with an appearance in the Atlanta area timed to correspond with the conclusion of the AHR Expo.

The current schedule is: January 16–17, Atlanta, Georgia; January 30–31, Orlando, Florida; February 13–14, Rancho Cordova, California; February 27–28: Elmsford, New York; March 20–21: Cudahy, Wisconsin; April 10–11: Brantford, Ontario.

Each stop will feature a two-day training session designed to accommodate 20 attendees and cover a wide range of CO2-related topics, including: subcritical v transcritical modes of operation; overview of CO2 system architectures; safe handling, maintenance and charging; startup and shutdown sequences.

The open 360° view of the training unit allows attendees to familiarise themselves with the refrigerant and the components which make up a CO2 system. To demonstrate the volatility of CO2, the unit includes a phase change cell that shows how the refrigerant reacts to pressure changes. Starting in its liquid state, R744 is subject to increasing pressures and begins its transition into a vapour state, then to a supercritical fluid, until it ultimately becomes a transparent gas. Then, as pressure is dropped within the cell, attendees can see the reverse of this transition as CO2 returns to a liquid state and then forms into a solid piece of dry ice.

The CO2 Booster training unit utilises a full Emerson system that includes: low- and medium-temperature compressors, electronic controls, protectors, variable-frequency drives and transcritically-rated electronic expansion valves. For ease of use, the unit is designed to improve the visibility of all components and dial gauges to demonstrate pressures and temperatures of certain elements.

Editor: Nina Li