Product: WhisperFresh Select™
Description: As a stand-alone, or paired with Panasonic’s multi-speed exhaust fans, the new WhisperFresh Select brings fresh, filtered supply air from outdoors into the home and helps create balanced ventilation in tightly built, energy-efficient dwellings. This cost-effective mechanical solution makes it easier for builders and contractors to meet ventilation requirements for green building standards, like ASHRAE 62.2., as well as Energy Star®. Panasonic’s electronically commutated motor (ECM) with SmartFlow™ technology ensures optimal cfm output, as rated and advertised, even in the case of a complicated duct run. A high-capacity sirocco motor is used to reduce the noise level for quiet and continuous operation. The built-in Pick-A-Flow™ Airflow Selector provides the capability to customize the ventilation fan for nine different cfm settings and to meet required airflow settings (50-60-70-80-90-100-110-130-150) with the simple turn of a dial. The ability to choose the most fitting cfm level gives builders and contractors the flexibility and assurance that one fan will satisfy a range of ventilation design requirements that meet code and perform as promised. The fan integrates with central HVAC systems and enhances ductless systems for a complete whole-house IAQ solution.