Evaporative Cooling Project Wins CAR Technology Innovation Award

Fri Oct 06 11:18:49 CST 2017 Source: JARN Collect Reading Volume: 504

A project co-conducted by Xi’an Polytechnic University, Aolan (Fujian) Industry, and Nantong Kunlun Air Conditioning won the first prize of the eighth Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR) Technology Invention Award. The project focused on the development and application of key technologies utilizing dry air energy in buildings.

The northwestern region of China has a dry climate, with abundant renewable energy in the dry air. Evaporative cooling and ventilation air conditioning technologies utilize the temperature difference between the dry bulb temperature and the wet bulb temperature as the driving force to achieve a cooling effect. This method has advantages: it is environmentally friendly, energy saving, and economically friendly, which is in accordance with the green design concept of utilizing renewable energy in building ventilation and air-conditioning systems.

Editor: 陈斯