Updated energy standard for residential refrigerator

Sat Oct 07 09:54:51 CST 2017 Source: JARN Collect Reading Volume: 522


"Household and similar refrigerating appliances" (GB/T 8059-2016) was officially implemented on July 1st, 2017. This is the first time to revise the refrigerator’s energy standards in past 22 years. The new version will benefit to the development of the products, technology and market.


The new version has integrated previous four standards into one and adjusted the related contents, including expanding the products scope, introducing testing program and improving testing methods.

With the popularity of air-cooled and inverter refrigerators in over 20 years, consumers’ demand and spending are increasing, which makes China domestic refrigerator market more complicated.  The Standard modifies many items of scope, cooling capacity, structure, materials performance, noise, testing and preservation, meeting the demand of industry development and future

Editor: 陈斯