Klima-Therm joins Data Centre Alliance

Fri Aug 04 16:35:55 CST 2017 Source: heatingandventilatin... Collect Reading Volume: 633

COOWOR,CHINA— Klima-Therm, the high performance, low-carbon cooling specialist, has joined the Data Centre Alliance as part of a planned expansion in the high-tech data centre cooling market.

Tim Mitchell, Klima-Therm director

The Data Centre Alliance (DCA) is an international association representing data centre operators, designers and infrastructure providers, which supports the industry through lobbying government, leading research and harmonising standards across the sector.

Tim Mitchell, Klima-Therm director, said: “An important part of the DCA’s role is to foster the use of sustainable and renewable approaches, such as cooling technology, a key aspect of Klima-Therm’s offering.

“Large corporates and private operators who manage servers on behalf of clients, such as government and local authorities, are increasingly looking for low carbon cooling solutions, in order to align with their green CSR policies. We can provide cutting-edge cooling technologies, which not only meet this requirement but significantly reduce data centre running costs, obviously a win-win for clients and the environment.”

The company’s pioneering application of Turbomiser chillers to data centres opens up new possibilities for low-carbon, low-cost carbon cooling.

Mr Mitchell continued: “Turbomiser and its successor, K-Turbo, can operate extremely efficiently at part load conditions, which in the UK is the majority of the time. Data centres, with their steady base load, are ideal applications for this approach, and can reap the maximum benefit from the energy savings. When coupled with our award-winning Teslamiser battery energy storage technology, our solutions offer unrivalled advantages in energy saving and resilience. They also enable chillers to become a revenue stream via solar firming, Demand Side Response or simple peak load lopping.”

Klima-Therm has already delivered major data centre cooling projects for leading global brands who have been looking for high resilience solutions with low carbon and low running costs.

With the  option to use low global warming potential (GWP) HFO refrigerants, the systems can be designed with less than 1/200th the GWP of conventional systems operating on HFC refrigerant, while reducing energy consumption by up to 50 percent. Klima-Therm also has extensive experience of propane systems, which provide high efficiency cooling with virtually zero GWP.

Mr Mitchell concluded: “Both HFO- and propane-based systems offer excellent alternatives to traditional HFC-based cooling, and effectively future-proof data centre owners and operators from changes in legislation. We see this as a major growth area for the future.”

Editor: SimonPeter