2017 China ISH Interview from Coowor: RIELLO

Tue May 23 13:32:55 CST 2017 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 2590

ISH China & CIHE, 18-20.May, 2017– China International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Sanitation & Home Comfort Systems is one of the most well-known exhibition platforms under the ISH brand. It has a stellar track record in gathering the world’s leading brands within the HVAC and plumbing industry. ISH China & CIHE also fosters industry development in China - currently the world’s biggest emerging market.

With the support of the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology and the Italian Foreign Trade Commission, the 2017 ISH China & CIHE attracted more than 30 international leading brands from Germany and Italy. The exhibition area exceeded 1,000 Square meters, mainly concentrated in the new exhibition E1 / E2 / W2 Pavilion, all-round displayed of the forefront of Europe's HVAC products and technologies, including gas and fuel condensing boilers, heat pumps, solar thermal systems, industrial burners and boilers, thermal distribution and thermal exhaust systems as well as advanced control technology. Follow with the reporters of coowor to know more.

In order to comply withincreasing demand forvery low NOx emissions, Riello has developed new product ranges for high power combustion with ultra low NOX performance, the RX S/PV-/E (190 – 3.000 kW) and the RS FGR (2.500 – 24.000 kW) series.

Both series are suitable for retrofit and new installations, and allow for maintainingextremely low emission performanceand highoperational reliability. The RS FGR series, based on the recirculation of a part of the exhaust gas, an integrated electronic control, through the action of three independent servomotors,   allows the burner to manage the proportion of air, gas fuel and exhaust gas in order to reach very low emissions.

The RX series provides high modulation ratios and low pollution emissions, representing the ideal solution for condensing boilers and industrial processes.

During the exhibition, the Chinese marketing manager Mr. Zhou accepted an interview from Coowor. He said: "From April 1st in 2017, Beijing began to implement the new boiler air pollutant emission standards. The boiler flue gas nitrogen oxide reduced below 30 milligrams per cubic meter from 80 milligrams per cubic meter, far below the European standard. It can be one of the world's most stringent standards. In response to the requirement of the government, Riello group brought 5 ultra low nitrogen monolithic flue gas circulating burners and bruciatori monoblocco alta Potenza. They all completely conform to the standard, and the product performance is stable. The new standard of Beijng is like a benchmark. We can see that there will be more provinces to launch their new emission standards by the step Beijing. This provides a great opportunity for foreign and Chinese burner companies. We are also full of hope for the huge potential field."


Editor: Fifi