ISH 2017: Welcome to Intersec Forum

Wed Feb 22 10:36:56 CST 2017 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1120

Networking different technologies and systems in buildings and sensitive infrastructures is the major challenge faced by property developers, architects, planners, contractors and installers. This work is further complicated by the demand for IT and data security, as well as questions relating to data protection and personal rights.

In this connection, industry, research and politics are at the interface of technical feasibility, individual security needs, social acceptance and topicality, and their expertise is tested to the full.

At Intersec Forum, experts take up these topical developments, issues and opportunities and discuss them with experts in mind – on 2016, under the motto ‘Security meets Smart Building’.

Characterised by top speakers, the conference is being organised in close cooperation with the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers´ Association.

Editor: Amy