5th IIR International Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants (TPTPR)

Sun Dec 18 19:33:12 CST 2016 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 828

In accordance with the global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide production and environmental protection, the refrigeration society should cooperate and participate in coping with the worldwide energy and environmental issues.

With the main theme “Creative Refrigerants for Low Carbon and Green Growth”, the conference will cover the areas of diverse research on thermophysical properties and transfer processes of refrigerants.

Scientific and Technical Themes

- Absorption / adsorption processes

- Boiling in tubular, mini-channel and plate geometries

- Desorption process

- Enhanced heat and/or mass transfer

- Lubricants / refrigerants issues

- Measurements and modeling of thermophysical and transport properties

- New fluids for sorption systems

- Natural and low GWP refrigerants for vapor compression cycles

- Refrigerant charge reduction technologies

- Secondary refrigerants including phase change slurries

- Transfer processes in heat storage systems

- (Two-phase) flow / distribution issues

Editor: Amy