Paris Venue for EHPA Heat Pump Forum

Tue Jan 05 11:40:00 CST 2016 Source: Cooling Post Collect Reading Volume: 560

National climate and energy policies will be the main topics for discussion at the EHPA’s 2016 Heat Pump Forum in Paris.

The impressive Yacht de Paris has been announced for this the 9th EHPA Heat Pump Forum from May 18-20.

The Forum is seen as the perfect opportunity to discuss next year’s adoption of the first European Heating and Cooling Strategy and the imminent revisions of a considerable number of pieces of EU legislation including the EPBD, Energy Efficiency Directive, Renewable Energy Directive, Ecodesign and Energy Label.

The Forum will be organised under the patronage of the French Government, which will explain the new French Transition Law for Green Growth and the importance of the growing French heat-pump market.

In addition, there will be presentations on the European heat pump markets and the EHPA’s newly launched stats online tool.

The event is expected to attract European and French representatives of the sustainable/renewable energy associations and industry, European Commission officials interested in the latest policy developments and technology trends for heat pumps.

Editor: Amy Qiao