MHI Thermal Systems Receives "The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Chairman's Award"

Thu Jan 04 09:16:33 CST 2024 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 43385

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems, Ltd. (MHI Thermal Systems), a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group, has won the "The Energy Conservation Center, Japan Chairman's Award" in the "Best Practice Category" at the 2023 Energy Conservation Grand Prize sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ), with support from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). The award was presented for measures taken by MHI Thermal Systems to eliminate boiler usage in a company plant through conversion to industrial heat pumps. This is the second time MHI Thermal Systems has received an award in the ECCJ's Best Practices Category (first in 2021). An awards presentation ceremony will take place at TOC Ariake Convention Hall in Tokyo on January 31, 2024.

The award-winning measures taken by MHI Thermal Systems consisted of converting the heat sources used in the compressor plant at its Biwajima Works (Kiyosu, Aichi Prefecture) from steam boilers to industrial heat pumps. The conversion eliminated reliance on steam boilers and resulted in significant energy savings. In selecting MHI Thermal Systems for its award, ECCJ gave high marks to the energy conservation and environmental performance benefits reaped by replacing the existing boilers with industrial heat pumps as production process heat sources, and to the company's achievement of technology to optimize its plant's production process heating system, from the planning stage through to actual implementation.

MHI Thermal Systems has a diverse lineup of heat pumps developed to contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality. Under its award-winning measures, heat pumps were used to optimize operating efficiency by measuring the old equipment's heat usage volume. The temperature upper limit, which frequently constrains adoption of heat pumps, was expanded in range by changing the processing temperature conditions, enabling the adoption of heat pumps in all processes. Conversion to heat pumps has reduced energy usage by the production plant's heat sources by a 20% oil equivalent, and cut CO2 emissions by roughly 40%. These initiatives are also expected to be applied in other plants undertaking parts cleaning, surface treatment, etc.

The ECCJ Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards were established to raise awareness of energy conservation throughout Japan and to contribute to global energy conservation through adoption of energy-saving products. The awards are presented to recognize outstanding energy conservation initiatives taken by businesses or workplaces, as well as superlative energy-saving products and business models that can serve as examples for others to follow.

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Editor: Amanda