Ghana Cooling for All workshop

Mon May 22 09:09:08 CST 2023 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 5362

Accra, Ghana, SEforALL hosted the Ghana Cooling for All Workshop, which aimed to identify gaps in Ghana’s sustainable cooling policy implementation framework and pathways to achieving sustainable cooling for all.  
Ghana is a high-impact country in Sustainable Energy for All’s Chilling Prospects research series because it has approximately 8.7 million people in poor rural and urban settings that lack access to sustainable cooling solutions. Ghana also remains vulnerable to heat stressors caused by climate change, with high temperatures ranging from an average of 31 to 40 degrees Celsius, and at the same time has faced challenges adapting to the threat of extreme heat due to several barriers, including a lack of access to sustainable cooling solutions.

The workshop was held over three days and had over 90 participants, including youth, students, development partners, national associations, financial providers, and importers.

The Cooling for All Workshop in Ghana had three key outcomes:  

  • Increasing awareness of sustainable cooling among key stakeholders in Ghana
  • Recognizing the need for implementation finance to unlock additional private sector finance for passive and active cooling
  • Identifying partnership opportunities to increase the capacity of stakeholders on cooling, especially passive cooling

These outcomes provide an opportunity for SEforALL and partners like C40 Cities to support the Government of Ghana with capacity building needs and data-driven policy, especially for passive cooling in buildings and cities, as it implements its National Cooling Action Plan and works to deliver sustainable cooling for all.

SEforALL is also continuing to support the Government of Ghana’s cooling and energy efficiency ambitions by convening the Mission Efficiency Community of Practice, which fosters coordination and cooperation among cooling and energy efficiency stakeholders, including connecting project developers with finance.


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Editor: Amanda