AREA proposal for a revision of the F-gas Regulation

Wed Nov 23 08:43:05 CST 2022 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1438


AREA stands by the F-Gas Regulation’s objectives of reducing emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases, and in particular those with high global warming potential (GWP). 

In this respect, our members play an important role in the transition to climate friendly RACHP solutions bearing in mind that the overall environmental impact of RACHP systems needs to be considered beyond refrigerants’ GWP, with a particular focus on energy efficiency and circularity of applied materials. Ensuring that equipment working with alternative refrigerants are only handled by competent contractors is of crucial importance to avoid safety hazards and energy inefficient equipment.

With this in mind, AREA would like to propose concrete suggestions for changes (available for download) to ensure that the overall EU ambition is preserved.


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Editor: Amanda