Emerson Launches Copeland Scroll Compressors for Low Temperature Applications with A2L Refrigerants

Tue May 31 08:36:52 CST 2022 Source: www.refindustry.com Collect Reading Volume: 1437

Emerson introduces new standard and digital scroll compressors for low temperature refrigeration applications approved for low GWP A2L refrigerants and A1 refrigerants which currently will be available for European market only.

Emerson invested early in the development of products and solutions optimized for A2L refrigerants to enable sustainable refrigeration. With the latest Copeland scroll compressors for low GWP A2L refrigerants, Emerson is supporting OEMs with a long-term, sustainable alternative.

Copeland YF / YFI / YFJ low GWP scroll compressors are optimized for low temperatures between -40°C and +7°C and their operation is approved for a variety of A2L mid-pressure refrigerants such as R454A, R454C, and R455A. The fully hermetic design of YF scroll compressors is optimized to handle those refrigerants and to operate efficiently and reliably.

The new YF range includes seven fixed speed models, two models with vapor injection (YFI) and two with digital modulation (YFJ), covering a capacity range of 0.98 kW to 5.7 kW under EN12900 LT conditions. Vapor injection boosts system cooling capacity by up to 40 percent and efficiency by up to 25 percent, making this compressor range highly efficient for low temperature applications.

Editor: Amanda