Mayekawa debuts ammonia/CO2 chiller at AHR Expo

Wed Jan 31 14:34:23 CST 2018 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1557

The air-cooled Sierra-A unit uses the world’s first semi-hermetic ammonia scroll compressor, says the company.

Mayekawa's ammonia/CO2 chiller

Following up on its NewTon ammonia/CO2 packaged refrigeration unit, Japanese manufacturer Mayekawa launched an ammonia/CO2 compact chiller called the Sierra-A at the AHR Expo in Chicago this week.

The Sierra-A has a “smaller capacity than the NewTon and is air-cooled,” said Tadashi Hamaoka, vice president, Mayekawa Canada, at Mayekawa’s booth yesterday. It’s suited for “smaller jobs,” including dock cooling at industrial plants, he added. It can also be used with display cases, walk-in coolers, process cooling, HVAC and data centers.

According to Mayekawa, the Sierra-A uses “the world’s first semi-hermetic ammonia scroll compressor.” It uses an IPM compressor motor “to match the precise load,” the company said.

The Sierra-A contains 7.8 lbs of ammonia to support a capacity of 8.2 TR at 20°F. Its CO2 supply temperature ranges from 5°F to 41°F.

Last year at the AHR Expo, Mayekawa introduced two chillers: the BoReas ammonia/CO2 system delivering CO2for medium-temperature loads in supermarkets, cold-storage facilities and other applications. The other unit, the AuRa, is an ammonia/water-glycol chiller offering water/glycol for air-conditioning in commercial buildings like hotels and hospitals.

Editor: Steven Ning